So I'm over my temporary PMS phase and I feel awesome =) So I thought, why not post a review?
Paranormal Activity
Now I heard all about this movie back in October of 2009 as it released during Halloween (Malaysian censors took some time to understand it as it was in English). What I heard was it apparently was marvel at the box office, costing a mere $ 15,000 to make and yet grossing well over $ 100,000,000 in the US alone (For all you idiots out there, basically, it made alottt of money)(Btw, the US is a reallly bigggg place), even humbling the likes of horror movie juggernaut Saw (Although to be fair, that was Saw 6, and 6 in movie years is 85 in human years, leaving it all old, wrinkly and sagging). Basically, it was supposed to be good and shit scary right ? Wrong ( See, I'm so damn smart I answered a question I asked you). The movie's tagline was, ' Don't See It Alone'. And so I didn't, and brought along a few friends. Unfortunately, the first time I saw the movie, I had a bad hotdog and needed to use the loo, taking up so much time that I missed the entire ending (It goes without saying but sausages are bad for you). So, I watched it a second time with a different group of friends. If this movie was supposed to be scary then I guess I don't know what scary is anymore. The first portion of the movie was boring as hell, not even remotely interesting. You would have been better off just staring at a blank piece of paper for 20 minutes. Everyone in the cinema looked forward to night scenes, as they anticipated scary moments but were always, always left disappointed (You know, like when a guy is about to bang a chick only to find out she has a dick =/). Every scary part in the movie had to be coupled by the word fuck. Ok, I mean I get it, you're scared. But do you have to curse everytime you get scared, every God damn time? It's like, " What the fuck was that? Fuck, what was that . Fuck the fuck fuck that ?". I mean, it was cool when Al Pacino did it, but that was a mafia movie. This on the other hand just seemed weird. Lastly, Paranormal Activity would have been better off as a comedy, although a really bad one (They could have used the same tag line : Don't Watch It Alone). It tried to make people laugh, but it mostly succeeded in being quite lame. The one part of the movie which was even remotely scary was the ending. I won't ruin it for you, but there's a lot of screaming, like imagine 100 chicks having a mega orgasm simultaneously and amplify that a thousand times ( Yes, I exaggerate). It did scare me a little bit the ending, mostly because I was just waiting to be scared by anything at all, and nothing else in the movie did, so when something scary did eventually happen, it was SCARY. And then the movie ended. The tag line does do the movie justice however. Don't watch it alone. You might just fall asleep if you do.
You'll love
- The ending
- Laughing AT the movie, not with it.
- Waiting in anticipation for something scary to happen
- You'll hate
- Being disappointed when nothing scary happens
- The sheer boredom of the movie
- The iffy(gay word for bad) camerawork. Kinda makes you feel dizzy.
it wasnt scary cause you watched it twice. there was no suspense watching it the second time as you know what already happened and you were waiting for the ending. if you watched the entire movie the first time, (bad hotdogs =P, i know what you did last summer!) youll experience everything the first time around.