
Posted: Sunday, January 24, 2010 by sacul in

Its been almost 2 months now since that exam that once everyone dreaded has concluded. Many of my friends have left for college and are now busy with work & assignments. Those who chose to stay behind meanwhile have jobs and are occupied most of the day. My days are now filled with utter boredom. The only thing that brings me joy is my ps3, and even that is becoming boring. Why don't I get a job? I don't know. Why did I not enroll in college? I don't know . Why do I keep asking myself questions I don't have the answer to? I don't know. The scary part is the fact that it's only January, and I'm leaving in friggin October. So for approximately 9 more months, I have nothing to do. 270 pointless days are dawning upon me. Meh. I think I'm gonna go back to that corner and start crying again. And maybe play some checkers. With myself. Excellent *presses fingers together*.