Moving on

Posted: Saturday, March 13, 2010 by sacul in

Moving on is never easy. May it be family issues, a relationship that ended, getting fired from a job (Quitting does NOT count), exam results, the loss of your pet rat who got eaten by your other pet snake, moving on is never, ever easy, if it is, check if you actually have a pulse. If you do, then cogratulations, you're breathing, have a cupcake =) Why the hell is moving on so damn difficult ? It's pretty simple actually, regrets always run through one's mind ( And NO, I am NOT tired because I've beeen running through your mind all day) . People would wonder how things would have been oh so different had they worked harder when it really counted, studied for longer hours, not cheated on a relationship and so on. But, this is where homosapiens (No you dumbass, homosexuals are totally different) become dumb and let emotions, the one thing that seperates us from our animal counterparts, take over. Remember the saying, follow your head, not your heart ? Well, your heart is fuelled by emotions, making you think irrationally and make dumb decisions, just ask people who have committed suicide, oh wait =/ Your head on the other hand (If you only have one hand, please do not be offended) is fulled by rational thinking and normally guides you in the right path. Yes, in movies, people who listen to their heart fall in love, get that kiss, land the hot chick, graduate from Harvard, walk on the Moon, and moonwalk with MJ in Elvis Presley's underground mansion while Dodo birds do the chicken dance. But this is reality. Reality is NEVER like that. People who follow their heart either end up broke, stoned, naked, or all three, just ask Amy Winehouse. Back to the the main topic, if you follow your head, you should know that it is pointless to regret not doing something in the past, because nothing you do (Unless of course you can build a time machine, in which case you could go back to 2004 and tell Britney to stick with JT and NOT to marry K-Fed) will change what happened. Regretting something will only affect your future, in a bad way. You already screwed up in the past, and now, because of that, your gonna screw up your future by moping around, it's a lose-lose situation. Sure, it's normal to feel remorse, but it should stop there. You wanna do something to make up for screwing up (other than buying nails of course), pick yourself up and work harder towards a better future, becasue you might not be able to change the past, but you can definitely chnage your future. Yesterday is HISTORY, and just like every chapter in your History text book, forget what happened, but at the same time, learn from it (Like, bombing another country is a bad idea) . Tomorrow is a mystery, and you can make it out to be whatever you want it to be, You want to be a spaceman ? Start eating cheese. Because you know, and I know, and Bush knows that the moon is made outta that shit . You wanna be like Tiger Woods, go bang 18 other chicks that aren't your wife =/ In all seriousness though, live life for the moment. Do that, and the world is yours for the taking. Leave regrets for meerkats. Sacul, out.